The ultimate in power generation

From: Ian G of NAP Fame

This is quite simply the very best DVD Set I have ever seen. It has a TON of information and is absolutely TOP quality throughout.

The production and editing are of the highest possible calibre.

What’s on this DVD Set?

It all starts with the initial, foundational grounding DVD, called Russell Stutely’s Weapons of Mass Power And Destruction

This foundational DVD will show you and illustrate ‘live’ the core principles Russell will use to ‘infuse’ you with super-heavyweight like power.

Best part: these black power moves are almost so powerful that it doesn’t matter WHERE you hit someone. Frankly, there’s so much power-generated that, well, it doesn’t matter!

And that’s why this material is so good…you can be immediately disadvantaged, you can be in practically ANY situation…and you get one of these power strikes ‘on’ – and BINGO.

The attacker is gone…and you walk away clean.

DVD 1 – Power Secrets
All the principles required for Power Generation on one DVD

DVD 2 – Power Joint Break and Passouts
Need I say more? Some seriously bad stuff here

DVD 3 – Power Slams
Master Andrews explains how and demos’ the use of the Waveform for Slams and throws… do NOT do this on your training partner

DVD 4 – Power Black Takeouts
Master Andrews and Russell Stutely take it in turns to show tried and trusted “takeouts”..These lethal finishes are EXTREME in Nature. Russell had a helluva job getting us at NAP to agree to putting these in the DVD Set. In the end, we agreed as long as each DVD had two Disclaimers plus each person has to sign them!

DVD 5 – From Zero to Power Generating Hero
Watch live as volunteers for filming, with various levels of experience have their power levels transformed. Due to the fact, there was a cross section from absolute beginner to advanced MA and Champion Boxer and that each person saw MASSIVE increases in Power, then you can be sure, that by following this DVD and learning step by step, that YOU TOO will be able to transform your striking power. Not just once, but at each and every stage of your development.

DVD 6 – Bonus DVD
Again, watch live as the volunteers are given an “extra” lesson from Russell in how to make PP’s work. Watch time and time again, as a MASSIVE amount of information is given out.

Here’s what else you’ll learn throughout this foundational material:

  • How to adjust to the ‘pitch’ of your opponent’s body to get ‘in tune’ with them – this will totally accelerate your power, yet this technique is basically unknown to martial artists
  • How getting uncomfortably close to your attacker will immediately accelerate your power
  • How simple and secret changes in BREATHING can dramatically alter the power you generate.
  • Proper alignments and adjustments to your hips which will pump up the power to extreme levels
  • How to create so much power that – if you don’t do what Russell tells you – you can actually end up detaching your own elbow!
  • How just simple shifts in footwork can translate into massive power changes. Knock someone clean off their feet with these simple methods!
  • Why ‘rotation’ in the wrist (common in ‘normal’ martial arts) usually is NOT the way you want to approach punching for incredible power (the metacarpals and other parts are in line)
  • How accelerating the hip along with some other simple changes can almost DOUBLE your power overnight!
  • Why most martial artists are losing power when they punch…without consciously realising it. And how to immediately correct this.
  • How Russell’s methods SHAKE your opponents body to the CORE, almost like sending a lighting bolt through your body.
  • Why DISTANCE is an important component of massive power generation…and what to do about it
  • The relationship between a nurse and her needle and getting ultimate PRECISION with your power strikes
  • How to demolish a leg bone with incredibly powerful kicks (in the live practical examples of this, you’ll see the kicking pad flying all over the place from the raw, piston-like power)


Pressure Point Database - Value $300

A full database of every Pressure Point, every Meridian detailing the exact locations, how to strike and the effects of each and every strike from low to high levels of power. This is an MS Access Database, compatible with FREE Open Source Open Office dot org

Pressure Point Listing - Value $100

A full spreadsheet detailing every Pressure Point, The exact location and how best to strike. This is an MS Excel file that is compatible with open office, google etc.

Body Alarm Reaction (BAR) Digital DVD - VALUE $35

Digital DVD Download of BAR - Detailing the EXACT stress and fear that happens before a REAL fight on the street and HOW to utilise that stress for your own benefit and slam that adrenaline dump right back into your opponent.

Pressure Point Knockouts Made Easy Digital DVD - VALUE $35

Digital DVD Download of Pressure Point Knockouts Made Easy. Learn the EXACT methods and training principles that I use to achieve Knockouts with ease!


  • All 6 Power Black Digital DVDs for IMMEDIATE Download
  • PP Database
  • PP Listing
  • BAR Digital DVD
  • PP Knockouts Made Easy Digital DVD

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